Senin, 08 April 2013

rumus tabung

Rumus Tabung

Sobat pernah melihat drum minyak atau kaleng susu? Kedua benda tersebut berbentuk tabung. Tabung terbentuk dari 2 buah lingkaran dan sebuah segi empat (bisa persegi/persegi panjang). Berikut rumus tabung
Rumus Volume Tabung
rumus tabung : volume tabung
Volume = ∏ r2 t
Phi = 3,14 atau 22/7
r = jari-jari alas
t = tinggi tabung
Rumus Luas Selimut Tabung
rumus tabung : selimut tabung dan luas permukaan tabungCoba amati gambar di atas, ternyata selimut tabung merupakan segi empat antara keliling alas (bentuk lingkaran) dan tinggi. Jadi dapat dinyatakan bahwa rumus tabung untuk luas selimutnya merupakan perkalian antara keliling alas dengan tinggi
Luas Selimut = Kll Lingkaran x t = 2∏ r x t
Menghitung luas permukaan tabung itu sama dengan kita menjumlahkan luas selimut dengan luas 2 buah lingkaran. Perhitungannya sebagai berikut
Luas Permukaan = Luas Selimut + 2 Luas Lingkaran
= 2∏ r x t + 2∏ r2
= 2∏ r (t+r) atau 2∏ r (r+t)

ilmu kedokteran

Kedokteran (bahasa Inggris: medicine) adalah suatu ilmu dan seni yang mempelajari tentang penyakit dan cara-cara penyembuhannya. Ilmu kedokteran adalah cabang ilmu kesehatan yang mempelajari tentang cara mempertahankan kesehatan manusia dan mengembalikan manusia pada keadaan sehat dengan memberikan pengobatan pada penyakit dan cedera. Ilmu ini meliputi pengetahuan tentang sistem tubuh manusia dan penyakit serta pengobatannya, dan penerapan dari pengetahuan tersebut.
Praktek kedokteran dilakukan oleh para profesional kedokteran–lazimnya dokter dan kelompok profesi kedokteran lainnya yang meliputi perawat atau ahli farmasi. Berdasarkan sejarah, hanya dokterlah yang dianggap mempraktikkan ilmu kedokteran secara harfiah, dibandingkan dengan profesi-profesi perawatan kesehatan terkait. Profesi kedokteran adalah struktur sosial dan pekerjaan dari sekelompok orang yang dididik secara formal dan diberikan wewenang untuk menerapkan ilmu kedokteran. Di berbagai negara dan wilayah hukum, terdapat batasan hukum atas siapa yang berhak mempraktikkan ilmu kedokteran atau bidang kesehatan terkait.
Ilmu kedokteran umumnya dianggap memiliki berbagai cabang spesialis, dari pediatri (ilmu kesehatan anak), ginekologi (ilmu penyakit pada wanita), neurologi (ilmu penyakit saraf), hingga melingkupi bidang lainnya seperti kedokteran olahraga, dan kesehatan masyarakat.
Sistem kedokteran dan praktik perawatan kesehatan telah berkembang dalam berbagai masyarakat manusia sedikitnya sejak awal sejarah tercatatnya manusia. Sistem-sistem ini telah berkembang dalam berbagai cara dan berbagai budaya serta daerah yang berbeda. Yang dimaksud dengan ilmu kedokteran modern pada umumnya adalah tradisi kedokteran yang berkembang di dunia Barat sejak awal zaman modern. Berbagai tindakan pengobatan dan kesehatan tradisional masih dipraktikkan di seluruh dunia, di mana sebagian besar dianggap terpisah dan berbeda dari kedokteran Barat, yang juga disebut biomedis atau tradisi Hippokrates.
Sistem ilmu kedokteran yang paling berkembang selain sistem Barat adalah tradisi Ayurveda dari India dan pengobatan tradisional Tionghoa. Berbagai tradisi perawatan kesehatan non konvensional juga dikembangkan di dunia Barat yang berbeda dari ilmu kedokteran pada umumnya. Di berbagai tempat, sistem kedokteran Barat seringkali dipraktikkan bersama-sama dengan sistem kedokteran tradisional setempat atau sistem kedokteran lainnya, meskipun juga dianggap saling bersaing atau bahkan bertentangan.
Kedokteran veteriner atau yang lazim disebut kedokteran hewan adalah praktik kesehatan yang dikhususkan untuk spesies hewan dan merupakan ilmu kedokteran lainnya selain untuk manusia.
Pada awalnya, sebagian besar kebudayaan dalam masyarakat awal menggunakan tumbuh-tumbuhan herbal dan hewan untuk tindakan pengobatan. Ini sesuai dengan kepercayaan magis mereka yakni animisme, sihir, dan dewa-dewi. Masyarakat animisme percaya bahwa benda mati pun memiliki roh atau mempunyai hubungan dengan roh leluhur.
Ilmu kedokteran berangsur-angsur berkembang di berbagai tempat terpisah yakni Mesir kuno, Tiongkok kuno, India kuno, Yunani kuno, Persia, dan lainnya. Sekitar tahun 1400-an terjadi sebuah perubahan besar yakni pendekatan ilmu kedokteran terhadap sains. Hal ini mulai timbul dengan penolakan–karena tidak sesuai dengan fakta yang ada–terhadap berbagai hal yang dikemukakan oleh tokoh-tokoh pada masa lalu (bandingkan dengan penolakan Copernicus pada teori astronomi Ptolomeus. Beberapa tokoh baru seperti Vesalius (seorang ahli anatomi) membuka jalan penolakan terhadap teori-teori besar kedokteran kuno seperti teori Galen, Hippokrates, dan Avicenna. Diperkirakan hal ini terjadi akibat semakin lemahnya kekuatan gereja dalam masyarakat pada masa itu.
Ilmu kedokteran yang seperti dipraktikkan pada masa kini berkembang pada akhir abad ke-18 dan awal abad ke-19 di Inggris (oleh William Harvey, abad ke-17), Jerman (Rudolf Virchow) dan Perancis (Jean-Martin Charcot, Claude Bernard). Ilmu kedokteran modern, kedokteran "ilmiah" (di mana semua hasil-hasilnya telah diujicobakan) menggantikan tradisi awal kedokteran Barat, herbalisme, humorlasime Yunani dan semua teori pra-modern. Pusat perkembangan ilmu kedokteran berganti ke Britania Raya dan Amerika Serikat pada awal tahun 1900-an (oleh William Osler, Harvey Cushing).
Kedokteran berdasarkan bukti (evidence-based medicine) adalah tindakan yang kini dilakukan untuk memberikan cara kerja yang efektif dan menggunakan metode ilmiah serta informasi sains global yang modern.
Kini, ilmu genetika telah memengaruhi ilmu kedokteran. Hal ini dimulai dengan ditemukannya gen penyebab berbagai penyakit akibat kelainan genetik, dan perkembangan teknik biologi molekuler.
Ilmu herbalisme berkembang menjadi farmakologi. Masa modern benar-benar dimulai dengan penemuan Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch bahwa penyakit disebarkan melalui bakteria (sekitar tahun 1880), yang kemudian disusul penemuan antibiotik (sekitar tahun 1900-an). Antibiotik yang pertama kali ditemukan adalah obat Sulfa, yang diturunkan dari anilina. Penanganan terhadap penyakit infeksi berhasil menurunkan tingkat infeksi pada masyarakat Barat. Oleh karena itu dimulailah industri obat.
Praktek kedokteran mengombinasikan sains dan seni. Sains dan teknologi adalah bukti dasar atas berbagai masalah klinis dalam masyarakat. Seni kedokteran adalah penerapan gabungan antara ilmu kedokteran, intuisi, dan keputusan medis untuk menentukan diagnosis yang tepat dan perencanaan perawatan untuk masing-masing pasien serta merawat pasien sesuai dengan apa yang diperlukan olehnya.
Pusat dari praktik kedokteran adalah hubungan relasi antara pasien dan dokter yang dibangun ketika seseorang mencari dokter untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan yang dideritanya.
Dalam praktik, seorang dokter harus:
  • membangun relasi dengan pasien
  • mengumpulkan data (riwayat kesehatan dan pemeriksaan fisik dengan hasil laboratorium atau citra medis)
  • menganalisis data
  • membuat rencana perawatan (tes yang harus dijalani berikutnya, terapi, rujukan)
  • merawat pasien
  • memantau dan menilai jalannya perawatan dan dapat mengubah perawatan bila diperlukan.
Semua yang dilakukan dokter tercatat dalam sebuah rekam medis, yang merupakan dokumen yang berkedudukan dalam hukum.
Relasi pasien dan dokter adalah proses utama dari praktik kedokteran. Terdapat banyak pandangan mengenai hubungan relasi ini.
Pandangan yang ideal, seperti yang diajarkan di fakultas kedokteran, mengambil sisi dari proses seorang dokter mempelajari tanda-tanda, masalah, dan nilai-nilai dari pasien; maka dari itu dokter memeriksa pasien, menginterpretasi tanda-tanda klinis, dan membuat sebuah diagnosis yang kemudian digunakan sebagai penjelasan kepada pasien dan merencanakan perawatan atau pengobatan. Pada dasarnya, tugas seorang dokter adalah berperan sebagai ahli biologi manusia. Oleh karena itu, seorang dokter harus paham benar bagaimana keadaan normal dari manusia sehingga ia dapat menentukan sejauh mana kondisi kesehatan pasien. Proses inilah yang dikenal sebagai diagnosis.
Empat kata kunci dari diagnosis dalam dunia kedokteran adalah anatomi (struktur: apa yang ada di sana), fisiologi atau faal (bagaimana struktur tersebut bekerja), patologi (apa kelainan dari sisi anatomi dan faalnya), dan psikologi (pikiran dan perilaku). Seorang dokter juga harus menyadari arti 'sehat' dari pandangan pasien. Artinya, konteks sosial politik dari pasien (keluarga, pekerjaan, tingkat stres, kepercayaan) harus turut dipertimbangkan dan kadang-kadang dapat menjadi petunjuk dalam kepentingan membangun diagnosis dan perawatan berikutnya.
Ketika bertemu dengan dokter, pasien akan memaparkan komplainnya (tanda-tanda) kepada dokter, yang nantinya akan memberikan berbagai informasi tentang tanda-tanda klinis tersebut. Kemudian dokter akan memeriksa, mencatat segala yang ditemukannya pada diri pasien dan memperkirakan berbagai kemungkinan diagnosis. Bersama pasien, dokter akan menyusun perawatan berikutnya atau tes laboratorium berikutnya bila diagnosis belum dapat dipastikan. Bila diagnosis telah disusun, maka dokter akan memberikan ("mengajarkan") nasihat medis. Relasi pengajaran ini menempatkan dokter sebagai guru (Physician dalam Bahasa Inggris; berasal dari bahasa Latin yang berarti guru).
Relasi dokter dan pasien dapat dianalisis dari pandangan masalah etika. Banyak nilai dan masalah etika yang dapat ditambahkan ke relasi ini. Tentunya, masalah etika amat dipengaruhi oleh tingkat masyarakat, masa, budaya, dan pemahan terhadap nilai moral. Sebagai contoh, dalam 30 tahun terakhir, penegasan dan tuntutan terhadap hak otonomi pasien kian meningkat di dalam dunia kedokteran Barat.
Relasi dan proses praktik juga dapat dilihat dari sisi relasi kekuatan sosial (seperti yang dikemukakan Michel Foucault atau transaksi ekonomi. Profesi dokter memiliki status yang lebih tinggi pada abad lalu, dan mereka dipercaya untuk melakukan tindakan dalam kesehatan masyarakat. Hal ini membawa suatu kekuatan tersendiri dan membawa keuntungan serta kerugian bagi pasien.
Pada 25 tahun terakhir ini, kebebasan dokter dipersempit. Terutama dengan kehadiran perusahaan asuransi seiring naiknya biaya perawatan kesehatan. Di berbagai negara (seperti Jepang) pihak asuransi juga mempunyai pengaruh dalam penentuan keputusan medis.
Kualitas relasi pasien dan dokter sangat penting bagi kedua pihak. Saling menghormati, kepercayaan, pertukaran pendapat mengenai penyakit dan kehidupan, ketersediaan waktu yang cukup, mempertajam ketepatan diagnosis, dan memperkaya wawasan pasien tentang penyakit yang dideritanya; semua ini dilakukan agar relasi kian baik.
Relasi kian kompleks di luar ruang praktik pribadi dokter, seperti pada bangsal rumah sakit. Dalam rumah sakit, relasi tak hanya antara dokter dan pasien, namun juga dengan pasien lainnya, perawat, pekerja dari lembaga sosial, dan lainnya.
Sebuah evaluasi medis yang lengkap terdiri dari sebuah riwayat kesehatan, pemeriksaan fisik, hasil laboratorium atau citra medis, analisis data, dan penentuan diagnosis, dan perencanaan perawatan atau pengobatan.[2]
Hal-hal yang termasuk dalam riwayat kesehatan:
  • Keluhan utama (KU): alasan pasien datang kepada dokter. Hal ini disebut tanda atau gejala. Dituliskan sesuai dengan yang diungkapkan oleh pasien dan sejak kapan hal tersebut di keluhkan pasien.
  • Riwayat Penyakit Sekarang (RPS)(HPI: History of present illness): urutan kronologis dari tanda-tanda dan klasifikasi dari setiap tanda.
  • Aktivitas kini: hal-hal yang berkaitan aktivitas pasien sekarang seperti pekerjaan, hobi, dan lainnya.
  • Riwayat Pengobatan: obat apa yang digunakan pasien sebelum menemui dokter, termasuk alergi.
  • Riwayat Penyakit Dahulu/RPD(PMH: Past medical history): perawatan yang pernah dijalani pasien sebelumnya, cedera, penyakit infeksi yang pernah diderita, vaksinasi, alergi yang pernah diderita.
  • Riwayat Sistemik (ROS: Review of systems): menanyakan pasien mengenai kondisi sistem organ utamanya seperti jantung, paru-paru, sistem pencernaan (traktus digestivus), dan lainnya.
  • Riwayat sosial Ekonomi(SH: Social history): tempat lahir, tempat tinggal, status perkawinan, status sosial ekonomi, kebiasaan (termasuk diet), penggunaan obat, tembakau, dan alkohol.
  • Riwayat keluarga (FH: Family history): membuat daftar penyakit apa saja yang pernah diderita oleh keluarga pasien yang dapat diturunkan (penyakit genetik). Biasanya dibuat dalam silsilah keluarga atau pohon keluarga.
Dalam pemeriksaan fisik, dokter berusaha mencari tanda yang dapat mendukung proses pembuatan diagnosisnya. Dokter menggunakan indera penglihatan, pendengaran, sentuhan, dan kadang-kadang juga dengan penciuman. Empat metode utama untuk pemeriksaan fisik: melihat (inspeksi), merasakan/menyentuh (palpasi), mengetuk untuk membedakan karakteristik resonansi (perkusi), mendengar (auskultasi); mencium kadang-kadang diperlukan seperti untuk membaui urea pada penyakit uremia.
Pemeriksaan fisik mencakup:
Hasil laboratorium dan pencitraan medis dapat digunakan bila diperlukan.
Pemeriksaan ini dapat berlangsung hanya dalam beberapa menit bila masalahnya sederhana maupun hingga berminggu-minggu bila pasien mengalami masalah pada beberapa sistem tubuhnya sehingga diperlukan rujukan ke beberapa dokter spesialis.
Profesi kedokteran dituntut untuk dapat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang terbaik, apalagi kini cakupan ilmu telah berkembang luas. Ilmu kedokteran gigi dan psikologi, walaupun sering dipisahkan dari kedokteran umum, tetap menjadi bagian satu kesatuan ilmu kedokteran.
Seorang dokter dapat memiliki kemampuan spesialisasi(sudah menjalani pendidikan lanjut pasca sarjana) dan subspesialisasi yang disebut sebagai dokter spesialis. Penentuan spesialiasi dan gelarnya beragam di tiap negara.
  • Laboratorium klinik adalah layanan diagnostik klinis yang mengaplikasikan teknik laboratorium untuk membuat diagnosis dan manajemen pasien. Di Amerika Serikat, layanan ini berada di bawah pengawasan seorang patologis (ahli patologi). Orang yang dapat bekerja di bidang ini adalah staf yang paham akan teknologi kedokteran, di Indonesia Laboratorium patologi ini ada 2 :
  1. Patologi klinik
  2. Patologi anatomi

nama latin tumbuhan

Adas Foeniculum vulgare
Akar Alang-Alang Imperata cylindrica
Akar Bahar Euplexaura anthipathes
Albisia Albizia sp.
Amanita Amanita Muscaria
Andong Merah Cordyline roxburghiana
Anggrek bulan sumatera Phalaenopsis sumaterana
Anggrek Bulan Phalaenopsis amabilis
Anggrek Hitam Coelogyne pandurata
Anggrek Merpati Dendrobium crumenatum
Anggrek Tanah*1 Vanda teres
Anggrek Tanah*2 Nervilia aragoana
Anggrek Vanda Vanda insignis
Aren Arenga pinnata
Asem Tamarindus indica
Aseman Oxalis corniculata
Awar-awar Ficus religiusa
Babakoan Scaevola fruescens
Balanceng (Tebu Pembisu) Dieffenbachia seguine
Bandotan Ageratum conyzoides
Baru Cino Artemisia vulgaris
Bawang Merah Allium cepa
Bawang Putih Allium sativum
Bayam Merah Aerva sanguinolenta
Begonia Begonia glabra
Bendo Artocarpus altillis
Bengkuang Pachirrhyzus erosus
Beringin Ficus benjamina
Bintaro Cerbera manghas
Blimbing wuluh Averrhoa bilimbi
Bluntas Plucea indica
Bubut Megalaima carvina
Bugenvil Bougainvillea glabra
Buncis Phaseolus vulgaris
Bunga Aster Aster multiflorus
Bunga Bangkai Amorphopalus sp
Bunga Bangkai Rafflessia arnoldi
Bunga Bangkai *1 Titan arum
Bunga Bangkai *2 Amophophalus sp.
Bunga Bangkai Raksasa Rafflesia Arnoldi
Bunga Irian Mucuna bennettii
Bunga matahari Helianthus annus
Bunga Mentega Nerium odorum
Bunga Merak Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Bunga Raflesia Raflesia arnoldi
Bunga Tasbih Canna indica
Bungur Jepang Lagerstroemia indica
Bungur Lagerstroemia flos-reginae
Bungur Lagestroemia speciosa
Bunya-Bunya Araucaria bidwili
Cabai Merah Capsicum anuum
Cemara Gunung Casuarina junghuniana
Cemara Laut Casurina equisetifolia
Cemara Araucaria cunninghami
Cemara Cupressus lusitanica
Cempedak Arthocarphus champeden
Cendana Santalum album
Cengkih Euginia aromatica
Ceremai Phylantus dietricus
Cermai (Siyanto) Syzigium unniflorum
Cermai Eugenia formosa
Cokelat Theobroma cacao
Damar Podocarpus damara
Delima Punica granatum
Dilem Pogostemon patchouli
Durian Durio zibenthinus
Eceng Gondok Eichornia crassipes
Flamboyan Delonix regia
Gadung Dioscorea hispida Denst
Ganyong Canna indica
Ganyong Canna edulis
Gegajahan Besar Numenthus arguata
Gegajahan Kecil Numenthus minutes
Gegajahan Sedang Numenthus phaeopus
Genjer Limnocharis Flava
Ginkgo Ginkgo Biloba
Gloksinia Sinningia speciosa
Hanjuang Biksu Pleomele fragans
Howortia Howorthia margaritifera
Jagung Zea mays
Jalarang Ratufa bicolor
Jambe Daun Areca catechu L
Jambu Batu Psidium guajava
Jambu biji Psidium guajava
Jambu Monyet Anacardium occidentale
Jambu monyet Anacardium occidentale
Jamur Payung Agariscus camprestis
Jamur Penicillium Peniccilium notatum
Jamur Ragi Saccharomyches cerevisiae
Jamur Tiram Plerotus ostreatus
Jarak Abang Rinicus communis
Jarak Pager Jatropa curcas
Jarak Ricinus communis
Jati Tectona grandis
Jelarang Ratufa bicolour
Jenggot Yahudi Episcia reptana
Jeringau / Dringu Acorus calamus
Jeruk Bali Citrus maxima
Jeruk Keprok Citrum nobils
Jeruk Nipis Citrus aurantifolia
Kacang Hijau Phaseolus radiatus
Kacang Tanah Arachis hypogaea
Kacapiring (Jempiring) Gardenia jasminodes
Kakanangan Amherstia nobilis
Kaktus Anggur Sedum murganianum
Kaktus Panda Kalanchoe tomentosa
Kalatea Batik Calathea litzea
Kalendra Daun Acasia albida
Kamboja Plumeria multifora Ait
Kangkareng Aceros coronatus
Kangkung Ipomea aquatica
Kantong semar Nephentes spp
Kantong Semar *1 Nephenthes maxima
Kantong Semar *2 Sarracheria purpurea
Kantung Semar Nephentes sp.
Kapas Gossypium arborescers
Kapasan Passer malaccensis
Kapong / Krangkong Ipomoea fistulosa
Kapri Pisum sativum
Karet Havea Brasiliensis
Katapang Terminalia Catappa
Kayu Gaharu Aquilaria malakensis
Kayu Kruing Dipterocarpus spp.
Kayu Putih Eucaliptus alba
Kecubung Datura metel
Kedelai Glycine max
Kedelai Soja max
Kelapa Cocos nucifera
Kelapa Sawit Elaeis Guineensis
Kembang Bokor Plumbago auriculata
Kembang jembel Celosia argentea
Kembang Sepatu Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Kembang Soka (Soka Beureum) Ixora ciccenia
Kemiri Aleuritus moluccana
Kenanga Cananga odorata
Kenari Canarium commune
Kentang Solanum tuberosum
Ketapang Terminalia catappa
Ketul Bidens pilosa
Ki Hujan Samanea saman
Klerek Sapindus rarak
Kopi Coffea arabica
Krisan Chrysanthenum cinerarridium
Krokot (Kriminil) Althernathera ficoidea
Kunyit / kunir Curcuma domestica
Kunyit Curcuma domestica
Kuphea Cuphea hyssopifolia
Kuping Gajah Anthurium Cristallianum
Kurma Phoenix dactylifera
Lada Piper Nigrum
Lada/merica Piper ningrum
Langsep Lansium domesticum
Laos Alphina galanga
Lidah buaya Aloe vera
Lidah Mertua Sansevieria trifasciata
Lilia Laut Bertangkai Metacrinus interruptus
Lilia Laut Tak Bertangkai Antendon rosaceae
Lmut Janggut Usnea sp.
Lombok Besar Capsicum anuum
Lombok Rawit Capsicum frutecens
Mahoni Swietenia mahagoni
Mangga Mangifera indica
Mangkokan Nothopanax scutellarium
Matoa Pometia pinnata
Mawar Rosaceae sp.
Melati Mentomori Brunfelsia aniflora
Mengkudu Morinda citrifolia
Meranti Shorea spMimba
Meranti Shorea sp.
Mindi Melia azedarach
Mojopait Aegele Marmelos
Monster Brazil Monstera deliciosa
Nanas Ananas commocus
Nangka Arthocarphus integra
Nangka Arthocarpus heterophylla
Nusaindah Musaenda philppica
Orok-Orok Crotalaria juncea
Padi Oryza sativa
Pakis Haji Cychas rumphii
Paku Ekor Kuda Equisetum debile
Paku Kawat Lycopodium cernuum
Paku Lidah Ular Ophiogeosum vulgatum
Paku Rane Selaginella wildenowii
Paku Sarang Burung Asplenium nidus
Paku Sigung Didymochlaena cruncatula
Pala Myristifa fragans
Palem Botol Mascarena lagenicaulis
Palem Wategu Rhapis exelsa
Palm Sumatera Nengah gajah
Pandan Kerajinan Pandanus bidur
Pandan Wangi Pandanus amarillyfolius
Patah Tulang Euphorbia tirucalli
Patah Tulang Euphorbhia intyii
Pecuk Ular Anhinga melanogaster
Pepaya Carica papaya
Peperomia Peperomia verschaffeltii
Perbena Verbena laciniata
Petai Cina Leucaena glauca
Picisan Drymoglosum pilosafloides
Pinang Areca catechu
Pinus Cupressus lusitanica
Pinus Pinus merkusii
Pisang Musa paradisiaca
Pisang Hias Heliconia collinsiana
Piuk Les Saintpaulia ionantha
Podokarpus Podocarpus imbricatus
Pohon Alder Alnus sp.
Pohon Birch Betula sp.
Pohon Juniper Juniperus sp.
Pohon Maple Aler campester
Pohon Spruce Picea sp.
Pule pandak Rauvolfia serpetina
Puring Codiaeum variegatum
Putri Malu Mimosa pudica
Rami Hibiscus sabdariva
Randu kapok Gossypium hirsutum
Resan Tropik Gleicheris linearis
Rotan Calamus axillaris
Rotan Calamus caesius
Rumput Afrika Brachiaria mutika
Rumput Gajah Axonopus compressus
Rumput Gejawan Echinochloa cruss-galli
Rumput Kerbau Paspalum conyugatum
Rumput Laut Spinifex littoreus
Rumput Teki Cyperus rotundus
Rumput Timunan Leptochloa chinensis
Rumput Torpedo Panicums repens
Salak Salacca zalacca
Sambiloto Andrographis paniculata
Segerat Mirabilis jalapa
Seledri Apium graveolens
Sembung Blumea balsamifera
Sengon Albisia sp
Serai Andropagun fragans
Serai/sere Cymbopogon sp
Sikap Elang Falco peregrinus
Simbar Menjangan Platycerium coronarium
Simpai Presbitis Melalophos
Singkong Daun Manihot esculenta
Sirih Piper betle
Sirsak Annona muricata
Sirsat / Muris Annona muricata
Siwalan Borassus flabellifer
Slentek Mustela plavigula
Sri Rejeki Aglaonema pictum
Srikaya Annona squamosa
Srikaya Annona squamosa
Srikaya Anona squamosa
Sukun Artocarpus antilis
Sumbang Darah Hemigra phis-alternata
Suplir Adiantum sp.
Talas atau Bentul Colocasia esculenta
Tangkil (Melinjo) Gnetum gnemon
Tapak Laman Elepantophus scaber
Tapak Liman Elephantopus scaber
Tebu Saccharum officinarum
Teh Camellia sinensis
Tembakau Nicotiana Tobacum
Tempuyung Sonchus arvensis
Temulawak Curcuma xanthorrhiza
Terung Solanum melongeng
Tomat Solanum iycopersicum
Trulek Jawa Vanellus macropterus
Trulek Lidi Himantopus himantopus
Tubo Derris elliptica
Ubi Kayu Manihot esculenta
Urang-Aring Eclipta alba
Vanili Vanilla planifolia
Venus Flytrop Dionaea muscipula
Wangka Albizia procera
Waru Hibicus tiliaeus
Wawung Lantana camara
Wedusan Ageratum conyzoides
Willi - willi Esacus magnirostris

nama latin tumbuhan

Adas Foeniculum vulgare
Akar Alang-Alang Imperata cylindrica
Akar Bahar Euplexaura anthipathes
Albisia Albizia sp.
Amanita Amanita Muscaria
Andong Merah Cordyline roxburghiana
Anggrek bulan sumatera Phalaenopsis sumaterana
Anggrek Bulan Phalaenopsis amabilis
Anggrek Hitam Coelogyne pandurata
Anggrek Merpati Dendrobium crumenatum
Anggrek Tanah*1 Vanda teres
Anggrek Tanah*2 Nervilia aragoana
Anggrek Vanda Vanda insignis
Aren Arenga pinnata
Asem Tamarindus indica
Aseman Oxalis corniculata
Awar-awar Ficus religiusa
Babakoan Scaevola fruescens
Balanceng (Tebu Pembisu) Dieffenbachia seguine
Bandotan Ageratum conyzoides
Baru Cino Artemisia vulgaris
Bawang Merah Allium cepa
Bawang Putih Allium sativum
Bayam Merah Aerva sanguinolenta
Begonia Begonia glabra
Bendo Artocarpus altillis
Bengkuang Pachirrhyzus erosus
Beringin Ficus benjamina
Bintaro Cerbera manghas
Blimbing wuluh Averrhoa bilimbi
Bluntas Plucea indica
Bubut Megalaima carvina
Bugenvil Bougainvillea glabra
Buncis Phaseolus vulgaris
Bunga Aster Aster multiflorus
Bunga Bangkai Amorphopalus sp
Bunga Bangkai Rafflessia arnoldi
Bunga Bangkai *1 Titan arum
Bunga Bangkai *2 Amophophalus sp.
Bunga Bangkai Raksasa Rafflesia Arnoldi
Bunga Irian Mucuna bennettii
Bunga matahari Helianthus annus
Bunga Mentega Nerium odorum
Bunga Merak Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Bunga Raflesia Raflesia arnoldi
Bunga Tasbih Canna indica
Bungur Jepang Lagerstroemia indica
Bungur Lagerstroemia flos-reginae
Bungur Lagestroemia speciosa
Bunya-Bunya Araucaria bidwili
Cabai Merah Capsicum anuum
Cemara Gunung Casuarina junghuniana
Cemara Laut Casurina equisetifolia
Cemara Araucaria cunninghami
Cemara Cupressus lusitanica
Cempedak Arthocarphus champeden
Cendana Santalum album
Cengkih Euginia aromatica
Ceremai Phylantus dietricus
Cermai (Siyanto) Syzigium unniflorum
Cermai Eugenia formosa
Cokelat Theobroma cacao
Damar Podocarpus damara
Delima Punica granatum
Dilem Pogostemon patchouli
Durian Durio zibenthinus
Eceng Gondok Eichornia crassipes
Flamboyan Delonix regia
Gadung Dioscorea hispida Denst
Ganyong Canna indica
Ganyong Canna edulis
Gegajahan Besar Numenthus arguata
Gegajahan Kecil Numenthus minutes
Gegajahan Sedang Numenthus phaeopus
Genjer Limnocharis Flava
Ginkgo Ginkgo Biloba
Gloksinia Sinningia speciosa
Hanjuang Biksu Pleomele fragans
Howortia Howorthia margaritifera
Jagung Zea mays
Jalarang Ratufa bicolor
Jambe Daun Areca catechu L
Jambu Batu Psidium guajava
Jambu biji Psidium guajava
Jambu Monyet Anacardium occidentale
Jambu monyet Anacardium occidentale
Jamur Payung Agariscus camprestis
Jamur Penicillium Peniccilium notatum
Jamur Ragi Saccharomyches cerevisiae
Jamur Tiram Plerotus ostreatus
Jarak Abang Rinicus communis
Jarak Pager Jatropa curcas
Jarak Ricinus communis
Jati Tectona grandis
Jelarang Ratufa bicolour
Jenggot Yahudi Episcia reptana
Jeringau / Dringu Acorus calamus
Jeruk Bali Citrus maxima
Jeruk Keprok Citrum nobils
Jeruk Nipis Citrus aurantifolia
Kacang Hijau Phaseolus radiatus
Kacang Tanah Arachis hypogaea
Kacapiring (Jempiring) Gardenia jasminodes
Kakanangan Amherstia nobilis
Kaktus Anggur Sedum murganianum
Kaktus Panda Kalanchoe tomentosa
Kalatea Batik Calathea litzea
Kalendra Daun Acasia albida
Kamboja Plumeria multifora Ait
Kangkareng Aceros coronatus
Kangkung Ipomea aquatica
Kantong semar Nephentes spp
Kantong Semar *1 Nephenthes maxima
Kantong Semar *2 Sarracheria purpurea
Kantung Semar Nephentes sp.
Kapas Gossypium arborescers
Kapasan Passer malaccensis
Kapong / Krangkong Ipomoea fistulosa
Kapri Pisum sativum
Karet Havea Brasiliensis
Katapang Terminalia Catappa
Kayu Gaharu Aquilaria malakensis
Kayu Kruing Dipterocarpus spp.
Kayu Putih Eucaliptus alba
Kecubung Datura metel
Kedelai Glycine max
Kedelai Soja max
Kelapa Cocos nucifera
Kelapa Sawit Elaeis Guineensis
Kembang Bokor Plumbago auriculata
Kembang jembel Celosia argentea
Kembang Sepatu Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Kembang Soka (Soka Beureum) Ixora ciccenia
Kemiri Aleuritus moluccana
Kenanga Cananga odorata
Kenari Canarium commune
Kentang Solanum tuberosum
Ketapang Terminalia catappa
Ketul Bidens pilosa
Ki Hujan Samanea saman
Klerek Sapindus rarak
Kopi Coffea arabica
Krisan Chrysanthenum cinerarridium
Krokot (Kriminil) Althernathera ficoidea
Kunyit / kunir Curcuma domestica
Kunyit Curcuma domestica
Kuphea Cuphea hyssopifolia
Kuping Gajah Anthurium Cristallianum
Kurma Phoenix dactylifera
Lada Piper Nigrum
Lada/merica Piper ningrum
Langsep Lansium domesticum
Laos Alphina galanga
Lidah buaya Aloe vera
Lidah Mertua Sansevieria trifasciata
Lilia Laut Bertangkai Metacrinus interruptus
Lilia Laut Tak Bertangkai Antendon rosaceae
Lmut Janggut Usnea sp.
Lombok Besar Capsicum anuum
Lombok Rawit Capsicum frutecens
Mahoni Swietenia mahagoni
Mangga Mangifera indica
Mangkokan Nothopanax scutellarium
Matoa Pometia pinnata
Mawar Rosaceae sp.
Melati Mentomori Brunfelsia aniflora
Mengkudu Morinda citrifolia
Meranti Shorea spMimba
Meranti Shorea sp.
Mindi Melia azedarach
Mojopait Aegele Marmelos
Monster Brazil Monstera deliciosa
Nanas Ananas commocus
Nangka Arthocarphus integra
Nangka Arthocarpus heterophylla
Nusaindah Musaenda philppica
Orok-Orok Crotalaria juncea
Padi Oryza sativa
Pakis Haji Cychas rumphii
Paku Ekor Kuda Equisetum debile
Paku Kawat Lycopodium cernuum
Paku Lidah Ular Ophiogeosum vulgatum
Paku Rane Selaginella wildenowii
Paku Sarang Burung Asplenium nidus
Paku Sigung Didymochlaena cruncatula
Pala Myristifa fragans
Palem Botol Mascarena lagenicaulis
Palem Wategu Rhapis exelsa
Palm Sumatera Nengah gajah
Pandan Kerajinan Pandanus bidur
Pandan Wangi Pandanus amarillyfolius
Patah Tulang Euphorbia tirucalli
Patah Tulang Euphorbhia intyii
Pecuk Ular Anhinga melanogaster
Pepaya Carica papaya
Peperomia Peperomia verschaffeltii
Perbena Verbena laciniata
Petai Cina Leucaena glauca
Picisan Drymoglosum pilosafloides
Pinang Areca catechu
Pinus Cupressus lusitanica
Pinus Pinus merkusii
Pisang Musa paradisiaca
Pisang Hias Heliconia collinsiana
Piuk Les Saintpaulia ionantha
Podokarpus Podocarpus imbricatus
Pohon Alder Alnus sp.
Pohon Birch Betula sp.
Pohon Juniper Juniperus sp.
Pohon Maple Aler campester
Pohon Spruce Picea sp.
Pule pandak Rauvolfia serpetina
Puring Codiaeum variegatum
Putri Malu Mimosa pudica
Rami Hibiscus sabdariva
Randu kapok Gossypium hirsutum
Resan Tropik Gleicheris linearis
Rotan Calamus axillaris
Rotan Calamus caesius
Rumput Afrika Brachiaria mutika
Rumput Gajah Axonopus compressus
Rumput Gejawan Echinochloa cruss-galli
Rumput Kerbau Paspalum conyugatum
Rumput Laut Spinifex littoreus
Rumput Teki Cyperus rotundus
Rumput Timunan Leptochloa chinensis
Rumput Torpedo Panicums repens
Salak Salacca zalacca
Sambiloto Andrographis paniculata
Segerat Mirabilis jalapa
Seledri Apium graveolens
Sembung Blumea balsamifera
Sengon Albisia sp
Serai Andropagun fragans
Serai/sere Cymbopogon sp
Sikap Elang Falco peregrinus
Simbar Menjangan Platycerium coronarium
Simpai Presbitis Melalophos
Singkong Daun Manihot esculenta
Sirih Piper betle
Sirsak Annona muricata
Sirsat / Muris Annona muricata
Siwalan Borassus flabellifer
Slentek Mustela plavigula
Sri Rejeki Aglaonema pictum
Srikaya Annona squamosa
Srikaya Annona squamosa
Srikaya Anona squamosa
Sukun Artocarpus antilis
Sumbang Darah Hemigra phis-alternata
Suplir Adiantum sp.
Talas atau Bentul Colocasia esculenta
Tangkil (Melinjo) Gnetum gnemon
Tapak Laman Elepantophus scaber
Tapak Liman Elephantopus scaber
Tebu Saccharum officinarum
Teh Camellia sinensis
Tembakau Nicotiana Tobacum
Tempuyung Sonchus arvensis
Temulawak Curcuma xanthorrhiza
Terung Solanum melongeng
Tomat Solanum iycopersicum
Trulek Jawa Vanellus macropterus
Trulek Lidi Himantopus himantopus
Tubo Derris elliptica
Ubi Kayu Manihot esculenta
Urang-Aring Eclipta alba
Vanili Vanilla planifolia
Venus Flytrop Dionaea muscipula
Wangka Albizia procera
Waru Hibicus tiliaeus
Wawung Lantana camara
Wedusan Ageratum conyzoides
Willi - willi Esacus magnirostris

nama latin hewan

Alap-alap Burung Accipiter virgatus
Alap-alap Kecil Falco longipenis lengipennia
Alap-alap kelelawar Machairamphus aleinus
Alap-alap Madu Pernis ptilorhynchus
Alap-alap Sapi Falco molluccensis
Alap-alap Sikra Accipiter badius
Aus (Laba-Laba Berbahaya) Atraax robustrus
Ayam Gallus gallus
Ayam hutan hijau Gallus varius
Ayam hutan merah Gallus gallus
Babi Hutan Sus scrofa vittatus
Babirusa Babyroussa babyrussa
Badak sumatera Dicerorhinus sumatrensis
Badak Rhinoceros sonaicus
Bajing Hutan Callosciurus nigrevitatus
Bajing Kelapa Calosciurus notatus
Bajing Tanah Lariscus insignus
Bajing Terbang Petaurista elegants
Bangau Hitam Ciconia episcopus
Bangau Tongtong Leptiptolus javanicus
Bangkong Bufo bufo
Banteng Bos sondaicus
Bekantan Nasalis Larvatus
Bekicot Achatina fulica
Beo Grucula religiosa
Beruang madu Nectarinia chalcostetha
tenggorokan pirang
Beruang Helarctos malayanus
Beruang kacamata leher abu-abu Lopohozosterops javanica
Beruang madu Lichmera flavicans
Beruang Madu Helarctos malayanus
Beruang madu dada coklat Conopophila albogularis
Beruang madu pipi merah Anthreptes malarensis
Beruang madu sesap madu coklat Lichmera indistincta
Beruk Mentawai Macaca pagensis
Betet Psittacula alexandri
Betet coklat Lanius cristatus
Betet Kelapa Tanygnathus sumatranus
Biawak Varanus salvator
Biawak coklat Varanus gouldii
Biawak Kuning Varanus flvescers
Binatang Hantu Tarsius spectrum
Bintang Laut Biru Linchia laevigata
Bintang Laut Lengan Pendek Culcita sp.
Bintang Laut Merah Asteria forberi
Bintang Ular Ophiolesis sp.
Binturung Arsctictis binturong
Biuku (Terapin Sungay) Batagur baska
Bluwok Berwarna Ibis leucocephalus
Bluwok Putih Nycteria cinerea
Boti (Kera Tonkean) Macaca tonkeana
Buaya Air Tawar Crocodylus siamensis
Buaya Asia Crocodylus porrosus
Buaya Misisipi Alligator mississippiensis
Buaya Senyulang Tomistoma schlegeii
Buaya Sungai Nil Crocodylus nyloticus
Bulu Babi Duri Panjang Diadema saxatile
Bulu Babi Duri Pendek Echinus sechulenthus
Bunglon Calotus jubatus
Bunglon Calores versicolor
Burung alap-alap Accipitridae
Burung Betet Psittacula alexandri
Burung Elang Pandionidae
Burung Elang Haliastus indus
Burung gereja Sturnus sp
Burung Gosong Megapodius reinwardti
Burung Jalak Sturnus contra
Burung Kipas Rhipidura javanica
Burung Kuntul Nycticorax nycticorax
Burung Madu Aethopyga malarensis
Burung Madu kelapa Aethopyga eximia
Burung Madu Penganten lNectarinia sperata
Burung Madu Sepah Raja Aetophyga siparaja
Burung Madu Sriganti Nectarinia jugularis
Burung Pelikan Pelecanus roseusroseus
Burung Perkutut Gleopelia striata
Burung Pungguk Ninox sculata
Burung Puyuh Turix suscitator
Burung Rangkong Bucerotidae
Burung Tilil Tlinga glareola
Burung Unta Struthia camelus
Cacing Hati Babi Taenia solium
Cacing Hati Gajah Wucherenia bancrofti
Cacing Hati Sapi Taenia saginata
Cacing Hati Fasciola hepatica
Cacing Kremi Oxyuris vermacularis
Cacing Palolo Palola viridis
Cacing Perut Ascaris lumbricoides
Cacing Sondari Pheretima musica
Cacing Tambang Ancylostoma duodenale
Cacing Wawo Lysidicea oele
Camar Larus Sp
Caplak Anjing Rhipicephalus sanguinis
Caplak Kerbau Sapi Boophilus microplus
Caplak Ternak Boophilus annulatus
Caplak Tikus Ixodes granulatus
Caplak Unggas/ Haemophysalis wellingtoni
Capung Besar #1 Myrmeleon frontalis
Capung Besar #2 Libellula sp.
Capung Terbesar Megalopropus caerolotus
Capung Anax imperator
Cecak Gymnodactylus deccanensis
Cecurut Suncus murinus
Cekakak Jawa Halycon cyanoventris
Cekakak Sungai Halycon chloris
Cendrawasih Paradisea regiana
Cendrawasih Kuning Kecil Paradisaea minor
Cendrawasih Merah Paradisaea rubra
Cendrawasih Raja Cicinnurus regius
Chiton Tonicella lineata
Cica Matahari Crocias albonotatus
Cicak Helmidactylus frenatus
Cicak Gecko geko
Cikukua Tanduk Philemon bucerocles
Codot Cynopterus sphinx
Congcorang Manthis religiosa
Cumi Cumi #1 Doryteuthis bleekeri
Cumi-cumi #2 Loligo indica
Cumi-cumi Raksasa Architeutis imperatos
Dara Mahkota Lorius lory
Derkuku/dederuk Cocomantis variolopus
Dige (Kera Heck) Macaca hecki
Dihe (Kera Gorontalo) Macaca nigrescens
Duyung Halicore dugong
Echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus
Elang Hinecopernis longicauda
Elang bondol wulung Hallastur indus
Elang Bondol Haliastur indus
Elang Brontok Spizaetus cirrhatus
Elang Coklat Accipiter fasciatus
Elang Hitam Spizaetus cirrihatus
Elang Ikan Pandion haliaetus
Elang Jawa Spizaetus bartelsi
Elang Jawa Spizaetus bartelsi
Elang Kecil Hieraetus kienarri
Elang Laut Kecil Ichthyophaga nana
Elang Laut Perut Putih Haleaeaetus leucogaster
Elang Tikus Elanus caerulens
Elang Tikus Elanus caeruleus
Elang Ular Spillornis chella
Elang Ular Bido Spilormis cheela
Endoke (Kera Buton) Macaca brunescens
Eruang madu tenggorokan ungu Nectarina sperata
Fonti (Kera Togean) Macaca togeanus
Gajah Elephas indicus
Gajah Elephas maximus
Gelatik Jawa Podda oryzifora
Glatik Pada oryzivora
Gorila / Orang Utan Pongo pygmeus
Gurita Octopus vulgaris
Gurita Raksasa Paroctopus defleini
Hada (Kera Sepatu) Macaca ochreata
Hama Buah Bactrocerra sp.
Hama Gudang Tribolium sp.
Harimau Dahan Neofelis nebulosa
Harimau Sumatera Panthera tigris-sumatranus
Harimau*1 Felis tigris
Harimau*2 Leo tigris
Hiu Biru Besar Prionace glauca
Hiu Geger Lintang Jinak Rhincodon typus
Hiu Goblin Scapanohynchus owstoni
Hiu Macan Tutul Triakis semifasciata
Hiu Martil Sphyrna zygaena
Hiu Putih Besar Carcharodon cacharias
Ibis putih Kepala Hitam Threskiornis aethiopica
Ikan Bandeng Chanos chanos
Ikan Gurami Osphronemus goramy
Ikan Koki Carassius auratus
Ikan Lele Clarias bathracus
Ikan Mas Cyprinus caprio
Ikan Mujair #1 Tilapia massambica
Ikan Mujair #2 Oreochromis mossambicus
Ikan Pari Manta Manta birostris
Ikan Paru Lepidosiren paradoxa
Jalak Bali Leucopsar rotschildi
Jalak gunung Sturnus contra
Jalak koci Copsychus chinensis
Jalak Putih Sturnus melanopterus
Jangkrik Gryllus bimaculatus
Jelarang (Tupai Hitam Besar) Ratufa bicolor
Joja (Lutung Mentawai) Presbitis potenziani
Julang Emas Rhicticeros undulatus
Junai Mas Caloenas nicobarica
Kadal Mabouya multifasciata
Kadal Mabouya multifasciata
Kakak Tua Besar Jambul Kuning Cacatua galerita
Kakak Tua Kecil Jambul Kuning Cacatua sulphurea
Kakak Tua Raja Probosciger atertimus
Kaki Seribu Julus virgatus
Kalajengking Australia Androctenus australis
Kalajengking Buku Chelifer canccroides
Kalajengking Thelyponus condutus
Kalaweit Hylobates albibarbis
Kalong Pteropus edulis
Kambing Sumatera Capricornis sumatrensis
Kancil Tragulus javanicus
Kangkareng Hitam Anthracoceros malayanus
Kanguru Pohon Dendrogalus inustus
Kasturi Raja Psittrichas fulgidus
Kasuari Casuarius casuarius
Kecoa #1 Blattaria sp.
Kecoa #2 Periplanetal americana
Kecubung Datura metel
Kedih Presbitis thomasi
Kelabang Raksasa Scolopendra gigantea
Kelabang Scoloppdridae
Kelasi (Lutung Maron) Presbitis rubicunda
Keong Gondang Pilla ampulaceae
Keong Vivipara javanica
Kepik Emas Coccinela sp.
Kepiting Scyda serrata
Kera Abu-abu Macaca fascicularis
Kera Hitam Dare Macaca maura
Kera Hitam Sulawesi Macaca nigra
Kera Hitam/Budeng Presbytis cristata
Kera tak berbuntut Hylobatidae
Kerang Hijau Mytilus edulis
Kerang Codakia figeria
Ketunggeng #1 Hetereometrus cyneus
Ketunggeng #2 Buthus afer
Kijang Muntiakus muntjak
Kima Raksa Tridacna maxima
Kipasan Belang Rhipidura javanica
Kipasan Ekor Merah Rhipidura phoenicura
Kiwi Apterix australis
Kobra*1 Naja tripudins
Kobra*2 Naja naja
Komodo Varanus komodoensis
Kuau Raja Argusisnus argus
Kubung (Lemur Terbang) Cynocephalus variegatus
Kucica / kacer Aegiyhina tiphia
Kucing Bakau Felis viverrina
Kucing Hitam (Congkok) Felis bengalensis
Kucing Hutan Felis bengalensis
Kucing Felis domesticus
Kukang Nycticebus coucang
Kumbang Daun Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Kumbang Pohon Kelapa Drytes apicalis
Kuntul Besar Egretta Alba
Kuntul kecil Egretta gazzeta
Kuntul Kerang Egretta sacra
Kuntul Kerbau Bubulcus ibis
Kuntul Perak Egretta intermedia
Kuntul Sedang Egretta intermedia
Kupu-kupu Sastragala sp
Kupu-Kupu Burung Peri Ornithopthera chimaera
Kupu-Kupu Mutiara Papilio polytes
Kupu-Kupu Sirama rama Attlacus atlas
Kura-kura Coura sp
Kura-Kura Air Tawar Chelydra serpentia
Kuskus Phalanger sericeus
Kutilang Pycnonotus cafer
Kutilang emas Pycnonotus g. personatus
Kutu Anjing Ctenodephalus cannis
Kutu Buku Lepisma sacharina
Kutu Busuk #1 Cimex ectularius
Kutu Busuk #2 Cimex rotundatus
Kutu Daun Apis medicaginis
Kutu Kepala Pediculus capitis
Kutu Manusia Purea irritans
Kutu Paha Phtirus pubis
Kutu Pakaian Pediculus humanus
Kutu Tikus Xenopsilla cheopis
Kuwuk Felis marmorata
Laba-Laba Babi Nephila maculata
Laba-Laba Pemburu Heteropoda venatoria
Lalat Buah Dropsophila melanogaster
Lalat Rumah Musca domestica
Lancah Maung Selenosmia javanensis
Landak Hystrix brachyura
Larwo/murai batu Copsychus malabaricus
Lebah Madu Apis indica
Lilia Laut Bertangkai Ptilocrinus pinnatus
Lilia Laut Tidak Bertangkai Metaricanus interuptus
Lintah India Dinobdilla ferox
Lintah Jawa Hirudinaria javanica
Lintah Timor Tengah Limnatis nilofica
Lintah Hirudo medicinalis
Lipan Scolopendra subspinipes
Lumba-lumba pemangsa kecil Peponocephala electra
Lumba-lumba tak bersirip Neophocaena phocaenoides
Lutung Banggat Presbitis hosei
Lutung Dahi Putih Presbitis frontata
Lutung Jawa Trachypithecus auratus
Macan Dahan Neofelis nebulosa
Macan Kumbang Panthera pardus
Macan Tutul Panthera pardus
Maleo Macrocephalon maleo
Malu - Malu Nycticebus coucang
Mentok Rimba Carina scutulata
Merak Hijau Pavo muticus
Merpati Columbia lifia
Moose Axes sp.
Musang Cokelat Sulawesi Macrogalidia musschenbroeki
Musang Congkok Prionodon linsang
Nuri Bayan Eklectus roratus
Nuri Kepala Hitam Lorius lory
Nyamuk Malaria Anopheles sp.
Opior Jawa Lophozophterops javanicus
Owa Jawa Hylobates moloch
Pacet Haemadipsa zeylanisa
Panda Pandanus sp.
Paok Hijau Pitta Sordida
Paok Pancawarna Pitta Guajana
Paus Orchinus orcha
Pekaka Emas Pelargopsis eapensis
Penguin Apterodytes forsteri
Penyu Bromo Caretta caretta
Penyu hijau Chelonia mydas
Penyu Kulit Dermochelis coreaceae
Penyu sisik temu Lepidochelys olivacea
Penyu Sisik Erethmochelys imbricata
Penyu Chelonia mydas
Perkutut Geopelia striata
Pinjal Pulex iritans
Platypus Ornithorhynchus sanguinus
Raja Udang Tanysiptera danae
Raja Udang Halchyon fulgida
Raja Udang biru Ceyx azuera
Raja Udang biru jawa Halchyon cyanoventris
Raja Udang biru kecil Alcedo coerulescens
Raja Udang Eurasia Alcedo atthis
Raja Udang hitam Halchyon macleayil
Raja Udang kalung putih Halchyon chloris
Raja Udang kuduk hitam Halchyon pileata
Raja Udang leher putih Halchyon smirnensis
Raja Udang merah Halchyon coromanda
Raja Udang paruh bangau Pelargopsis copensis
Raja Udang punggung merah Ceyx rofidorsus
Rajungan Neptunus pelagiais
Rangkok Kecil Anthracocaros malabaricus
Rangkong Badak Bucleros hinocheros
Rangkong Sulawesi Aceros cassidia
Rayap #1 Calotermes tectonal
Rayap #2 Reliculitermis flavipes
Remis Asaphis detlorasa
Rusa Cervus timorensis
Rusa Bawean Axis kuhli
Rusa Timor Cervus timorensis
Rusa Tutul Axis axis
Salamander Api Salamandra salamandra
Samber Lilen Chrisochorosa fulminans
Sandang Lawo Ciconia episcopus
Semut Hymenoptera sp
Semut Hitam Dolichoderus sp.
Sengat Laut Chironex fleckeri
Serangga Peloncat Dalbulus maidis
Serindit Loriculus exilis
Siamang Kerdil Hylobates klossii
Siamang Hylobates syndactilus
Sigung Mydaus javanensis
Simakobu Simias concolor
Singa Leo leo
Singapuar Tarsius Bancanus
Siput Darat Achatina pulica
Siput Lymnaea truncatula
Sotong Sepiella Maindroni
Surili Presbitis comata
Tapir Taphirus indiscus
Tapir Tapirus senuk
Tawon Endas Vespula maculata
Tekukur Sreptopelia bitorquata
Tepus Pipi Perak Stachyris melanothorax
Teripang Thyone briarcus
Teripang Hitam Holothuria athra
Teripang Nanas Thelenota ananas
Teripang Pasir Holothuria scabra
Tikus Rattus rapit
Tikus Rattus rattus
Tiong Emas Nias Gracula religiosa-robusta
Tokek Gecho gecho
Tonggeret Dundabia manifera
Trenggiling Manis javanicus
Tuatara Sphenodon punchatus
Tulum tumpuk Megalaima javanica
Tulung Tumpuk Kembang Megalaima javensis
Tungau Sarcoptes scobei
Tupai Tupaia javanica
Udang Lysmata grabhami
Ular air Cerberus rynchops
Ular cobra/sendok Naja sputatrix
Ular hijau Trimeresurus albbolabris
Ular kadut Acerochordus granulatas
Ular lumpur Enhydris plumbea
Ular pelangi Xenopeltis unicolor
Ular Piton Phyton reticulatus
Ular Pohon Boiga sp.
Ular pucuk pohon Dryophis prasinus
Ular Sanca Bodo Phyon morulus
Ular Sanca Hijau Morelia viridis
Ular sawah Python reticulatus
Ular tali wangsa Boiga denrophila
Ular welang Bungarus javanicus
Ular weling Bungarus candius
Ulat Sutra Bombyx mori
Undur-Undur Myrmeleon frontalis
Ungko (Gibon Bertangan Hitam) Hylobates agilis
Ungko Kalimantan Hylobates muelleri
Ungko Lengan Putih Hylobates lar
Walang Sangit Leptacorisa acuta
Walet Collocalia fuchipaga
Wereng Coklat Nilaparvata lugens
Wereng Hijau Nephoterix apicalis

White Wolf

A Texas Scary Story
Retold by S.E. Schlosser
 Spooky Texas    She snapped awake out of a deep sleep, screaming aloud in terror. In her nightmare, a large white wolf had been chasing her around and around the house, gaining on her with every step until it finally pounced on her and ripped out her throat.    She lay shaking for hours, unable to sleep after such a terrifying dream.          But morning finally arrived, and the day was completely normal. Celia forgot all about her dream, until the moment her parents reminded her that they would be going out that night to celebrate their anniversary. Celia turned milk-white. In her dream, the white wolf had come to kill her while her parents were out celebrating their anniversary! She started shaking and begging them not to go.   Her parents were astonished at her behavior, and finally shamed her into staying home alone that night.       Fearfully, Celia locked herself into the house as soon as her parents left, checking every door and every window. She tried to laugh it off as she got into bed, and finally she shook off her irrational fear and fell asleep.         Celia snapped awake suddenly, every muscle tense. She heard the tinkling of falling glass from a broken window, and the snuffling sound of a snout pressed to the floor. It was the sound of a hunting wolf. A werewolf. Real wolves did not break into houses when there was plenty of game outside. She could hear the click-clicking of the creature’s claws on the wooden floor. The musky, foul smell of wet animal fur combined with the meaty breath of a carnivore, drifted into the room.      She could hear the werewolf’s panting right outside her bedroom. Then her body was out of bed and she sped through the bathroom and down the back stairs. She heard a soft growl and then the sound of animal feet pursuing her as she raced down the steps and tore open the back door. A glance at the window beside her showed a reflection of the werewolf leaping down the last few steps behind her.     Celia’s  feet screamed in protest as she ran painfully across the sharp gravel driveway toward the tool shed with its shovels and baseball bats. Anything she could use as a weapon.  But the huge, red-eyed wolf was suddenly between her and the toolshed, stalking toward her. The cold wind pierced her skin as she turned and fled around the side of the house. She gasped as the white wolf howled and took off after her. She could hear the terrifying sound of the creature’s pounding feet.      Faster, faster, she commanded her legs, panting desperately against the fear choking her. She would run around the house and back down the driveway, she thought with the clarity of sheer horror. She felt the wolf snap at her back leg and felt the sting of teeth. She put on speed.      The wolf veered away from her suddenly, and she felt a rush of hope. She couldn’t hear the wolf now, couldn’t see it in the cloud-darkened night. She kept running around the house, heading back toward the tool shed. To her intense relief, she heard the sound of a car coming down the road in front of her house.  Her parents were back and would save her from the wolf!        Then her heart stopped in panic as she turned the last corner and saw the shape of the white wolf as it stood balanced on the porch railing right in front of her. It sprang upon Celia, huge teeth tearing into her flesh and ripping out her throat.  She fell under the weight of its body, hot blood spilling all over the ground, and died seconds after she hit the ground.  One minute later, her parent's car pulled into the driveway, its headlights blinding the white wolf as it pulled toward the house.  Frightened, the wolf backed away from its kill and then ran away. 

Vampire Hermit

The Vampire Hermit's HouseA Scary New York Folktale
Excerpted from Spooky New York

retold by S.E. Schlosser
Listen to the audio version 

She was nervous when her husband said they were to stay in the abandoned house, for it contained  the corpse of the hermit who once lived there, enshrined in a coffin in the loft. It was an old custom and one no longer popular among the Iroquois people, but the hermit had insisted upon it before his death.  There was good hunting in this place, her man had declared, and so they moved in and she unpacked their few belongings in the front room, refusing to go up into the loft where the hermit’s body lay.
When her husband left to hunt, she immediately put her daughter in the sling on her back and went to look for roots and berries, staying away until her husband returned with the meat.  As she prepared the evening meal for them, her husband, tired from his hunting, climbed up into the loft to rest.
The hut soon filled with the delicious smell of roasting meat. She was sorting through the berries when she heard a muffled cry and the crunch of breaking bones. As she stared upward, frozen in horror, blood started to drip from the rafters.
She crept silently to the far corner of the room where she could see up into the loft. A skeleton with glowing red eye sockets was feasting on the body of her husband. Its teeth and chin covered with blood,.
Her daughter stirred restlessly at her back, and she knew that she had to get away immediately.
“I am going to run down to the stream to fetch water for the broth,” she called toward the loft. “I will be right back.” She took the pail and walked toward the stream, trying to appear normal. As soon as she was out of sight among the trees, she started to run as fast as she could. She heard a terrible howl from the direction of the house as the creature heard them escaping and started to pursue. The young mother stumbled desperately through the woods, the creature’s howls growing closer as it pursued them.  Her little daughter wailed  in fright at her back as she fled in terror, sobbing and was almost without hope The monster was gaining on her.
In a last act of despair, she shouted the Iroquois distress cry, hoping someone would be near enough to hear it. Her call was taken up and answered by the warriors from the village. She could hear the creature breathing behind her as she sprinted to the trees at the edge of the village. Here, her strength failed her, and she collapsed to the ground,
Just before the monster could pounce on them, a party of warriors burst through the gates of the village chasing the skeleton away. They swung their torches wide, and the skeleton retreated farther into the woods.  The warriors chased the creature back to the hermit’s house, and set fire to the cabin. As the flames encompassed the house, a terrible howling and roaring came from the loft, and the vampire hermit fled into the woods in the form of a rabbit, never again to plague the young woman or her daughter.

Bloody Mary Returns

Spooky Montana A Montana Ghost Story
Retold by S.E. Schlosser
My stepmother was vile.  I guess most kids think that when their father remarries.  But in this case, it was true.  She only married Father because he was rich, and she hated children.  There were three of us – me (Marie), my middle brother Richard and my youngest brother Charles.  We were the price my stepmother Gerta paid for being rich.  And we were all that stood between her and inheriting Father's money when he died.  So she took steps against us. 
     She sent my youngest brother Charles away to boarding school overseas.  It had a good, scholarly reputation, but it also had the reputation for being a hard school that was full of bullies and strict discipline.  Not a place where a delicate child like Charles, who had been sickly as a baby, would thrive.  He was miserable there.  Somehow, Gerta contrived to keep him there for all but the summer holidays, and when he came home the first year he was pale and thin with dark circles under his eyes that looked like bruises.  He cried – he actually cried! – when Father told him he had to go back to the school.  But Father didn’t listen to him.  Gerta thought it would be good for Charles to go there, and so Charles went.  
  I did everything I could – encouraging letters and daily phone calls – until Gerta said it was too expensive and restricted calls to five minutes once a month.   I even got Father to book me a ticket to Europe so I could visit Charles.  Gerta was enraged when she found out.  Her blue eyes went so cold it made chills run up my spine, and her pink mouth thinned into a bitter line that bade ill for me since I had dared to interfere.  Two days before my plane left for Europe, the school called and told us that Charles had climbed up to the tallest tower and flung himself off.  He was dead. 
     Father was shocked, of course, and Gerta was quietly triumphant.  For a few months, Father paid more attention to Richard and myself then he had since our mother died.  But Gerta was beautiful and had winning ways about her that soon drew my Father’s attention away.  And now that one of her hated step-children was dead, she focused on another.  Poor Richard was next. 
     Richard was a sturdy chap who was about to enter high school, and he was really into sports.  He would have thrived at the boarding school that had killed Charles.  So Gerta sent him to an arts school instead.  He hated it, but Gerta had told Father he had “talent”, so there he went.  (You’d think my Father would have learned his lesson with Charles!)  But Richard was a survivor, and he grimly practiced piano and violin when he would rather have played soccer and football.  But Gerta was clever.  She introduced Richard to a couple of high school boys who were everything Richard craved to be – rich, popular, on the football team.  And into drugs.  Gerta made sure Richard had a very large allowance, and kept increasing it as Richard was drawn deeper and deeper under the influence.  Until one day Richard overdosed, and Gerta only had one step-child left.  Me.
     I was sure (sure!) that Gerta knew Richard was doing drugs in his room that day.  She knew he was ill and possibly dying in there.  If she’d “found” him even ten minutes sooner, his life would have been saved.  So said the doctor, and I believed him.  But Father wouldn’t believe me.  He was angry whenever I said anything against Gerta, and told me to hold my tongue.  Still, I knew I was next, and I was sure that Father would not live long after willing his fortune over to his wife.  I decided that if Gerta got too bad, I would run away and live secretly with my aunt in New Jersey until I turned 18.  
     From the moment Richard’s body was found in his room, I forced myself to be a model child.  My homework was done on time, I was polite to Gerta and all her friends, I went on all the family excursions with Gerta and Father – even the dangerous ones like shark-fishing.  You can be sure that I took care to be “sea-sick” indoors and stayed away from the edge of the boat.  Gerta was clever with her tricks.   Everyone thought it was an accident the time we were out shopping and I fell onto the subway in front of an oncoming train.  I managed to roll out of the way on time, but it was way too close for comfort. 
       I had almost decided to run away when my father brought me the sad news that my aunt in New Jersey had died suddenly in her sleep, poisoned by person or persons unknown.  I was appalled. How had Gerta known?  But she had – I could tell from the smirk on her face. 
      I went to my room that night and locked myself in to think.  I could run away, but the money wouldn’t last long.  And I’d need to finish high school or my chances of getting a good job were nil.  Besides, Gerta would still be out there somewhere.  If she could hire someone to poison my only living relative (besides Father), she could hire someone to kill me, whether I was living at home or not. 
      There was only one thing I could think of.  And it was a terrible thing.  A family secret passed down from my Mother’s side for many generations.  It involved a witch named Bloody Mary, who had once tried to kill my many times great grandmother and use the child’s blood to make herself young and beautiful forever.  The witch had been stopped by the child's father (my many times great grandfather) in the nick of time, and the witch had cursed him as she burned at the stake.  Cursed his mirror, and the mirrors of all the men who had condemned her to death at the stake, so that anyone saying her name in front of those mirrors would invoke her vengeful spirit. 
       The story had gotten mixed up over the years, as it was passed down first in their village and then all over the country.  These days, school kids everywhere scared themselves silly chanting Bloody Mary’s name in front of darkened mirrors during sleepover parties, and nothing happened to them.  So no one really believed in the curse.  Of course, no one knew the real story of Bloody Mary.  That was a deep secret handed down by the villagers of long ago.  But I was a direct descendant, and I knew how to summon the witch.  You had to use a mirror owned by someone in the direct blood-line of one of the original families that lived in Bloody Mary’s village.  And the witch's name must be spoken by candlelight a certain number of times in their native tongue.  
       It was an evil thing to do, I knew.  But it was the only way to save my life.  It was either Gerta or me.  If I didn’t fight back, I was dead.  So I took my hard earned money and went out to a specialty store to buy hand-dipped, beeswax candles.  Black ones.  I followed my mother’s directions carefully, placing them at certain intervals around the living room so that they reflected in the huge mirror behind the couch.  Then I lit each one, speaking the spell passed down in my mother’s family.  And I waited.  Father was away on a business trip, and Gerta was out at a party with her latest boyfriend.  She came home late, and scolded me for staying up to study.   Her voice was playful and light – I hated that voice.  It made her sound like she was nice.  But there was also a note of suspicion underlying her words, and she stared hard at the flickering black candles. 
       “Holding a séance, little Marie?” she asked, emphasizing the word little, knowing I hated when she called me that. 
        “I just like working by candlelight,” I said mendaciously, turning a page in my text book. 
        Gerta frowned.  “You know, little Marie, I think it’s time we had a talk,” she said, walking over to the mirror behind the couch and primping her hair. 
        “Yes,” I said softly.  “We should.  You killed my brothers.  And my aunt.  But I won’t let you kill me.”
          Gerta laughed.  “As if you stood a chance against me!” she said, fluffing her long blond hair up behind her shoulders. 
         I spoke the name of Bloody Mary in the native tongue of my ancestors.  Once.  Twice.  Three times.  Inside the mirror, the image of Gerta burst into flames, and another face looked out.  It was the malevolent face of a twisted old crone, ruined with age, and altogether evil.  I ducked behind the chair as Gerta gave a scream of sheer terror, her eyes fixed on the witch.  As I watched from my hiding place, heat burst forth from the mirror, blistering her beautiful alabaster skin.  I could hear the flames roaring as the witch laughed evilly and held out her arms toward my step mother. 
      “Gerta,” crooned Bloody Mary.  “Come to me, Gerta.” 
        And she took my step mother into her arms. 
        Gerta’s terrified scream was suddenly cut off.  The flames disappeared as suddenly as they had come.  When I peeked out from behind the couch, Gerta and Bloody Mary were gone. 
       I called Father at his hotel the next morning to tell him that Gerta hadn’t slept at home.  (Well, it was true!)  He wasn’t pleased.  He called a few of her friends from his hotel room, and quickly discovered she had been carrying on with another man.  With several, if the truth be known.  Father hated infidelity.  He flew home at once to confront Gerta, but she was still missing; presumed run away with one of her flames. 
      Somehow, Father managed to divorce Gerta without ever trying to find her.  And since she had no family in the area except us, everyone accepted the cover story, and no one ever tried to locate her.  Gerta was gone for good.  And Father and I were safe at last.

Raw Head and Bloody Bones

A Missouri Ghost Story
retold by
S. E. Schlosser
Way back in the deep woods there lived a scrawny old woman who had a reputation for being the best conjuring woman in the Ozarks. With her bedraggled black-and-gray hair, funny eyes - one yellow and one green - and her crooked nose, Old Betty was not a pretty picture, but she was the best there was at fixing what ailed a man, and that was all that counted.
Old Betty's house was full of herbs and roots and bottles filled with conjuring medicine. The walls were lined with strange books brimming with magical spells. Old Betty was the only one living in the Hollow who knew how to read; her granny, who was also a conjurer, had taught her the skill as part of her magical training.
Just about the only friend Old Betty had was a tough, mean, ugly old razorback hog that ran wild around her place. It rooted so much in her kitchen garbage that all the leftover spells started affecting it. Some folks swore up and down that the old razorback hog sometimes walked upright like man. One fellow claimed he'd seen the pig sitting in the rocker on Old Betty's porch, chattering away to her while she stewed up some potions in the kitchen, but everyone discounted that story on account of the fellow who told it was a little too fond of moonshine.
"Raw Head" was the name Old Betty gave the razorback, referring maybe to the way the ugly creature looked a bit like some of the dead pigs come butchering time down in Hog-Scald Hollow. The razorback didn't mind the funny name. Raw Head kept following Old Betty around her little cabin and rooting up the kitchen leftovers. He'd even walk to town with her when she came to the local mercantile to sell her home remedies.
Well, folks in town got so used to seeing Raw Head and Old Betty around the town that it looked mighty strange one day around hog-driving time when Old Betty came to the mercantile without him.
"Where's Raw Head?" the owner asked as he accepted her basket full of home-remedy potions. The liquid in the bottles swished in an agitate manner as Old Betty said: "I ain't seen him around today, and I'm mighty worried. You seen him here in town?"
"Nobody's seen him around today. They would've told me if they did," the mercantile owner said. "We'll keep a lookout fer you."
"That's mighty kind of you. If you see him, tell him to come home straightaway," Old Betty said. The mercantile owner nodded agreement as he handed over her weekly pay.
Old Betty fussed to herself all the way home. It wasn't like Raw Head to disappear, especially not the day they went to town. The man at the mercantile always saved the best scraps for the mean old razorback, and Raw Head never missed a visit. When the old conjuring woman got home, she mixed up a potion and poured it onto a flat plate.
"Where's that old hog got to?" she asked the liquid. It clouded over and then a series of pictures formed. First, Old Betty saw the good-for-nothing hunter that lived on the next ridge sneaking around the forest, rounding up razorback hogs that didn't belong to him. One of the hogs was Raw Head. Then she saw him taking the hogs down to Hog-Scald Hollow, where folks from the next town were slaughtering their razorbacks. Then she saw her hog, Raw Head, slaughtered with the rest of the pigs and hung up for gutting. The final picture in the liquid was the pile of bloody bones that had once been her hog, and his scraped-clean head lying with the other hogsheads in a pile.
Old Betty was infuriated by the death of her only friend. It was murder to her, plain and simple. Everyone in three counties knew that Raw Head was her friend, and that lazy, hog-stealing, good-for-nothing hunter on the ridge was going to pay for slaughtering him.
Now Old Betty tried to practice white conjuring most of the time, but she knew the dark secrets too. She pulled out an old, secret book her granny had given her and turned to the very last page. She lit several candles and put them around the plate containing the liquid picture of Raw Head and his bloody bones. Then she began to chant: "Raw Head and Bloody Bones. Raw Head and Bloody Bones."
The light from the windows disappeared as if the sun had been snuffed out like a candle. Dark clouds billowed into the clearing where Old Betty's cabin stood, and the howl of dark spirits could be heard in the wind that pummeled the treetops.
"Raw Head and Bloody Bones. Raw Head and Bloody Bones."
Betty continued the chant until a bolt of silver lightning left the plate and streaked out threw the window, heading in the direction of Hog-Scald Hollow.
When the silver light struck Raw Head's severed head, which was piled on the hunter's wagon with the other hog heads, it tumbled to the ground and rolled until it was touching the bloody bones that had once inhabited its body. As the hunter's wagon rumbled away toward the ridge where he lived, the enchanted Raw Head called out: "Bloody bones, get up and dance!"
Immediately, the bloody bones reassembled themselves into the skeleton of a razorback hog walking upright, as Raw Head had often done when he was alone with Old Betty. The head hopped on top of his skeleton and Raw Head went searching through the woods for weapons to use against the hunter. He borrowed the sharp teeth of a dying panther, the claws of a long-dead bear, and the tail from a rotting raccoon and put them over his skinned head and bloody bones.
Then Raw Head headed up the track toward the ridge, looking for the hunter who had slaughtered him. Raw Head slipped passed the thief on the road and slid into the barn where the hunter kept his horse and wagon. Raw Head climbed up into the loft and waited for the hunter to come home.
It was dusk when the hunter drove into the barn and unhitched his horse. The horse snorted in fear, sensing the presence of Raw Head in the loft. Wondering what was disturbing his usually-calm horse, the hunter looked around and saw a large pair of eyes staring down at him from the darkness in the loft.
The hunter frowned, thinking it was one of the local kids fooling around in his barn.
"Land o' Goshen, what have you got those big eyes fer?" he snapped, thinking the kids were trying to scare him with some crazy mask.
"To see your grave," Raw Head rumbled very softly. The hunter snorted irritably and put his horse into the stall.
"Very funny. Ha,ha," The hunter said. When he came out of the stall, he saw Raw Head had crept forward a bit further. Now his luminous yellow eyes and his bears claws could clearly be seen.
"Land o' Goshen, what have you got those big claws fer?" he snapped. "You look ridiculous."
"To dig your grave…" Raw Head intoned softly, his voice a deep rumble that raised the hairs on the back of the hunter's neck. He stirred uneasily, not sure how the crazy kid in his loft could have made such a scary sound. If it really was a crazy kid.
Feeling a little spooked, he hurried to the door and let himself out of the barn. Raw Head slipped out of the loft and climbed down the side of the barn behind him. With nary a rustle to reveal his presence, Raw Head raced through the trees and up the path to a large, moonlight rock. He hid in the shadow of the huge stone so that the only things showing were his gleaming yellow eyes, his bear claws, and his raccoon tail.
When the hunter came level with the rock on the side of the path, he gave a startled yelp. Staring at Raw Head, he gasped: "You nearly knocked the heart right out of me, you crazy kid! Land o' Goshen, what have you got that crazy tail fer?"
"To sweep your grave…" Raw Head boomed, his enchanted voice echoing through the woods, getting louder and louder with each echo. The hunter took to his heels and ran for his cabin. He raced passed the old well-house, passed the wood pile, over the rotting fence and into his yard. But Raw Head was faster. When the hunter reached his porch, Raw Head leapt from the shadows and loomed above him. The hunter stared in terror up at Raw Head's gleaming yellow eyes in the ugly razorback hogshead, his bloody bone skeleton with its long bear claws, sweeping raccoon's tail and his gleaming sharp panther teeth.
"Land o' Goshen, what have you got those big teeth fer?" he gasped desperately, stumbling backwards from the terrible figure before him.
"To eat you up, like you wanted to eat me!" Raw Head roared, descending upon the good-for-nothing hunter. The murdering thief gave one long scream in the moonlight. Then there was silence, and the sound of crunching.
Nothing more was ever seen or heard of the lazy hunter who lived on the ridge. His horse also disappeared that night. But sometimes folks would see Raw Head roaming through the forest in the company of his friend Old Betty. And once a month, on the night of the full moon, Raw Head would ride the hunter's horse through town, wearing the old man's blue overalls over his bloody bones with a hole cut-out for his raccoon tail. In his bloody, bear-clawed hands, he carried his raw, razorback hogshead, lifting it high against the full moon for everyone to see.